The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and their applicability to Economic Progress in Rural North Coastal Andhra Pradesh,James Stephen.

The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and their applicability to Economic Progress in Rural North Coastal Andhra Pradesh.
James Stephen Meka
Principal, Wellfare Institute of Science Technology & Management,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam

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The famous phrase, “Think globally, act locally” was introduced in 1915 by the Scottish planner
and conservationist, Patrick Geddes. Exactly after one hundred years, the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly (UN-GA) as a
universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy
peace and prosperity. It is planned globally that the development must balance social, economic and
environmental sustainability, eradicate poverty in all forms and create a thriving world where every
person lives to the fullest everyday.
Now the challenge is to achieve these global goals locally. Whilst countries have begun efforts
towards achieving these goals, there is a need to study, analyse and evaluate the practical aspects of
the applicability of these goals to populations that are region specific. This study will be critical to
frame region specific policies and development strategies that are suitable to the people therein and
their development. The interest of this paper is in line with this assertion: to find the synergy and
the applicability of the Sustainable Development Goals to the sustainable progress of the “Rural
North Coastal Economy” in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Thus this paper aims to give a local
perspective to a global cause and proposes policy frameworks and measures to achieve the
Sustainable Development Goals.
The present study starts with some introduction of SDGs, including the basis for the UN SDGs, the
formation of the UN SDGs, Rural population and the rural blend of the North Coastal Andhra
Pradesh. A rural coastal economic framework was pictorially represented. The need for synergy
between UN SGDs and North Coastal Andhra Pradesh Economy is presented. The key propositions,
opportunities and threats to achieve the UN adopted 17 SDGs in the regions of North Coastal
Andhra Pradesh are briefly outlined. The same are summarised in in a tabular form at the end.
Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations, economic progress, rural coastal
population, sustainability… for more Download PDF attached below.

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