Administration at WISTM
The Administration of WISTM is driven by a decentralized system that comprises of various committees and departments which are led by the Principal. The Heads of the Departments (Civil Engineering, CSE, ECE, EEE, Mechanical Engineering and HBS), Administrative officer, Public Relations Officer (PRO), Librarian, Training & Placement Officer and Accounts officer are nominated by the Principal. Heads of the Departments take the lead role in steering the Department regarding the academic administration. The academic progress of each department is overseen by the respective HOD’s according to the guidelines. These guidelines will be framed as per the recommendations and evaluations performed by Staff Development Council, Academic Monitoring Committee, Examinations and Assessment Committee, Discipline Committee and Library Committee.
The Staff Development Council will address the issues of faculty development in terms of academic excellence. The Academic Monitoring Committee will look after the execution of the class work and its functionality. Examinations and Assessment Committee is responsible for conducting exams and assessing results and serves as feedback mechanism for the teaching staff to achieve better results. Discipline committee will solve the disciplinary issues with the help of Principal. It includes Anti Ragging committee and Anti Ragging squad.
Administrative Officer shall lead the team under the direction of Principal. He coordinates with Accounts Officer, monitors and controls the Amenities of the organization, Scholarship Issues, Security Issues and maintains Stores and Despatch Section; he also monitors the Estate Supervisor. Purchase committee and Budgetary committee will look after the amenities required for the smooth running of college. These committees will be monitored by Principal. PRO will work under the Direction of Principal and deals issues related to the general public. Grievance Redressal System monitored by Principal, addresses the grievances of all the students as well as staff for the effective functionality of the organization.