Where work meets wealth

Our Innovation! Our Technology! We make a difference!

The EARN WHILE YOU LEARN was formed on the 12th day of January 2021 to help bring out the latent skills and talents within students. The club gives a taste of wealth for work and motivates them to work in multi-disciplinary groups on real-time technical projects to deliver creative solutions for industrial and societal problems. The students are paid monetary benefits or otherwise to foster a professional working attitude within themselves.

The club currently has 58 student members. The club is coordinated by Professor M. James Stephen. With his vast academic expertise and industrial relations, he is instrumental in bringing industrial collaborations and viable reward-oriented work for students. The executive body has student representatives lead by Gowtham Tirri III CSE. The club is the first of its kind and fosters skills, talents and innovation within students with a monetary reward for their work. The activities of the club include both technical and nontechnical.

The club has the following work profile:
(a) Students with like skills team-up to work on creative projects for societal impact.
(b) The institute provide the students avenues and opportunities to students from industries ,multinational companies or government agencies to identify problems there in end derive solutions using their skills and creativity .
(c)The institute shall ensure the student is paid commensurately for their work either by the agency for whom they work or by the institute itself .

Executive Body


Student representative members 


Tirri Gowtham, III CSE


M. Yashwanth Bharadwaj, III CSE


Renuka Renduchinthala, IV ECE


  1. Sai Mohan Sattari, III CSE
  2. V. Dimple Kumar, III EEE
  3. Nadiminti Kavya, II MECHANICAL
  4. B. Vasanthi, II EEE
  5. Shaik Shadhik, IV ECE
  6. P. Nikhil Reddy, II ECE
  7. P. Emmema Wilson, I CSE
  8. L. Hemanth, I ECE
Our Ideas
Our Creativity
Our Wealth

Where our ideas and our creativity create our wealth



The Welfare Institute of Science Technology and Management (WISTM) has opened an avenue for the students to work on real-time overseas industry projects in collaboration with the JEM Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd., Visakhapatnam. The student team involved in this project include T. Gowtham III CSE, M Yashwanth Bharadwaj III CSE, Sai Mohan Sattari III CSE, Mohini Earle III CSE and Renuka Renduchintala IV ECE. The team was involved in a website development project for Caples Industrial Supply, Inc 446 W Currahee St., Toccoa, Ga 30577, USA through JEM Tech Solutions, Visakhapatnam. The student team were involved in a minor component of a large scale project work INR 10,00,000/-. The team had weekly interactions with the clients in the USA and could discuss their requirements, propose solutions and develop their website with least memory requirement.

Team Leader: Mr Gowtham Tiri, 3rd year CSE

The student team G. Shyamala III CSE, Deepika Savarapu, III CSE, Adari Harish II CSE, T Gowthan Tirri III CSE, Nikhil Reddy II ECE and G Vamsi Reddy II ECE worked on a software development project from M/s Industrial Electronics, Inc 10334 Cogdill Rd., Knoxville, TN 37932, USA through JEM Tech Solutions, Visakhapatnam. The student team were involved in a minor component of a large scale project work INR 2,00,000/-. The team had weekly interactions with the clients in the USA and could discuss their requirements, propose solutions and develop their website and sales management system.

Team Leader: Ms Syamala Gudla, 3rd year CSE


The students of WISTM were fortunate to have a local industry leader, Hobel Bellows Pvt Limited, Visakhapatnam to engage them in real-time projects. The company gave assignment work to the students to develop software to manage employee attendance. Students Y Sriteja III Mech., Doddi Bhargav Sriram II Mech., A Uday Kiran III Mech., T. Gowthan Tirri III CSE, were involved in the successful completion of the project. The student team received a monetary reward for their excellence in this regard from the company. Congratulations Sriteja & team!


The EARN WHILE YOU LEARN  club members regularly meet with the local villages and village authorities to discuss the public problems and potential solutions to alleviate these problems. As part of the club activities, the Gorapalli Gram Panchayat pointed out the problem of chicken dying due to lack of timely care. To solve this problem, the students of WISTM developed an Electronic Egg Incubator. Simply placing the egg in the incubator keeps the egg at the required temperature and at the required motion for successful hatching in 45 days. The students involved were Mr Narayana and Mr Jeevan Dadi of 4th year ECE under the guidance of Mr Manikanta Gudivada, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE. 


The EARN WHILE YOU LEARN  club members are undoubtedly sport enthusiasts. In a country where cricket is treated as a religion, the club had no lack of interested students keen to get creative with their software skills in giving technical support to Andhra University to organise the technical aspects of a major cricket tournament involving 490 teams during December 2021. More than 20 members of the club engrossed themselves in the technical management of 490 teams that included nearly 8000 players. From team management to live scores, from online commentary to final prize distribution, the club was tremendously helpful to the Andhra University in giving full technical support to the cricket tournament. Each member of the team was rewarded financially and also with a tournament jersey. 


The nearly 30 students involved themselves in painting social cause pictures. Here are some excerpts. The pictures were framed and put in classrooms and also in the Rampuram panchayat office. The best two paintings were awarded a cash prize. It is so striking that WISTM students are not only tech savvy but artistically very talented. What a satisfaction to see their pictures in the village public domain!


  1. Development of online feedback system:
    Team Leader: Earle Mohini, III CSE
    Team members: k Kusuma priya III CSE, P. Monika III CSE, G surya III CSE

  2. Development of student monitoring robot:
    Team Leader: Md Sheik Sadhik IV ECE
    Team members: S Midhil IV ECE, Kuladeep III ECE, Sala Aparna IV ECE

  3. Development of smart notice board:
    Team Leader: Siddhardh III CSE
    Team members: G Suresh III CSE, B. Vinodh, IV ECE, K Shyamala, IV ECE

  4. Renovation of herbal garden:
    Team Leader: P. Urvasi II EEE, S Kiranmayi II ECE
    Team members: Nadiminti Kavya II Mech., Battu Kavya II Mech., Srujana II ECE,   Poojita Satya Sri II EEE, B. Rajesh III EEE

  5. Solar lighting for Gorapalli village:
    Team Leader:  Mr V DimpleKumar, 3rd year EEE
    Team members: K. Joshua Prince, III EEE, M. Naveen Kumar III EEE, B. Vasanthi II EEE, G. Lohith EEE 


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